Process for Removing a Director

A Company can remove its directors before the expiry of its term, these powers are vested with the shareholders. Here we will talk about the process of removing the Directors of a Company. In case of Non-compliance with any one of these processes can make the decision void, if appealed in a court.

Basic Prerequisite

This process of removing the Director cannot be initiated without providing an opportunity to the Director who is to be removed. This is one of the basic requisites on the laws ordained which provides the defendant or the defaulter an opportunity of being heard.

Issuing Notice

This process of removing Directors must be initiated by a notice. This notice should be processed by the shareholders that have a minimum voting power of 1% or someone who holds shares on which an aggregate sum of not more than Rs. 5,00,000 is paid upon the date of the notice. This is a special notice that should be signed by all the members. This special note should be delivered to the Company at least 14 days before the meeting is held at which resolution will be passed. The notice won't be valid if isn’t issued before three months of the date of the meeting.

Notice to Members

The Director must be sent a copy of the Notice, who will be heard on the resolution at the meeting, whether the director is a member or not a member of the Company. The notice should be served at least seven days which is a week before the date of the meeting which is held.

If the shareholders are not able to deliver the notice it can be published in any two newspapers, one in English and one in the vernacular newspaper. The notice must be mandatorily posted on the company's website again this should be done seven days before the date of the meeting.

Representation in writing

The concerned director can make a representation against this removal notice. The director can request the company to send the representation to all the members. Also, the members should be notified of the representation by a notice. In case the company is not able to all the members the director may request for reading of this representation.

Appeal to the Tribunal

An application can be made to the tribunal if the organization or any aggrieved person decides against sending out the representation to the members or reading it out in the meeting, to request to nullify the process. The tribunal can also annul the process if it finds that the Director uses this right for unnecessary publicity for defaming purposes. This director is also given the right to issue an order demanding the director to cover the cost of the application borne by the company.